The first in our "Profound Photographers" Collection, Melissa Fraser's The "Art of Hearts" silk satin scarf offers evidence that, yes, true love does exist. In her words:
"Love. It is a simple four-letter word. Yet it comes with powerful, complex feelings and emotions—from “shout-from-the-mountain-top” elation to heart breaking devastation. While everyone experiences it, love is unique because every experience is different.
Love—whether you feel it or not—surrounds us at all times. As I move through life, I discover hearts everywhere, and in the most unlikely places! If we are open to their presence, “Hidden Love Messages” are there for us to see every day.
After a trip to magical Sedona, AZ, where I meditated on having an open heart to accept love, I began seeing “Hidden Love Messages,” which come to me as heart shapes. The hearts appear in many forms. Some are natural like a heart shaped rock or leaf. The hearts can be from man-made objects like a heart shaped shadow, soap bubbles in the sink, or piece of trash on a NYC sidewalk. When I see one, I feel like I have just been given a big hug.
I began photographically documenting my “Hidden Heart Messages” of love through creative Heart Art to share them.My hope was to spread love, remind others that love is always around us, and encourage everyone to search for their own “Hidden Love Messages.” On the “Art of Hearts” Facebook page, I share my magical hearts and encourage others to share theirs, too. Have you seen your “Hidden Love Message” today?
I am honored to collaborate with Tobias & Co. as they spread love and joy throughout the world with their “Embrace the Angel” global initiative. My hope is that by sharing my “Hidden Love Messages” we can spread even more love around the world to encourage and uplift those who need to feel love once again."
This 14" x 72" silk satin scarf is filled with colorful images of love!