Be an Angel, Comfort an Angel
Our newest Embrace the Angel pillow cover is "Grace's Angels." It took her nearly 4 years, but Grace collected 164 Angels for critically ill children around the world, including the Ukrainian Angel she drew to bring courage and comfort to the children of Ukraine and their families.
It is one of three elements of our "Be an Angel, Comfort an Angel" global initiative: Silk scarves, ties, and pillow covers filled with Angels. It's our way of giving back...of touching those who long to feel connected...of sharing the Power of Angels! here on earth.
For every Embrace the Angel silk scarf, necktie, or pillow cover purchased, Tobias & Co. LLC will donate one to a bereaved mother, father, critically ill or grieving child. These Silky Angels bring a bit of comfort, caring, and connection to those who need it most.